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    Rain rains on the window and it cascades into the gutter. It acts as a springboard to the dream. Surprised by sudden drops, we seek shelter in the station booth. We are alone and we look each other in the eyes, which, as a mirror, reflect our mutual attraction. A passionate and longer than usual kiss, interrupted only by the sound of footsteps coming. The enchantment disappears and, without words, we say to each other which is just a referral in the warmth of our room in silence protected by walls, but made of soft, muted words caresses, giggles, cries and impetuous impulses.

    1. ciribi72


      ..mi pare di ricordare questo testo..sbaglio?

    2. tacchialti94


      è forse di Blake? ricordo male?

    3. daliahnera


      A me invece ricorda un testo di Cher ahaha forse mi sbaglio!!

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