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  • 85 anni
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    Più di un mese fa

Aggiornamenti di stato pubblicati da fel55

  1. A punch in the stomach
    it would be to hear me say
    - I do not love you anymore.
    I don't feel anything for you anymore.
    You disappointed me deeply.
    I should therefore resign myself and
    looking for a new face to love?
    I don't have a magic wand
    to forget you on your feet
    and start thinking about another woman!

    1. beautifullmind0


      come rimanere immobili davanti ad una poesia del genere?

    2. ciribi72


      Mi ricorda un vecchio testo di Micheal Bubble

  2. As a sailor who has hope of leaving, when he sees
    the favorable weather, so now I hope, overcome every obstacle,
    to hold you in my arms, there, on the seashore, while
    Ionic waves beat lightly on the beach and we, in the light of Selène,
    benevolent, excited by the fire lit on the sand, we tell ourselves
    the vicissitudes of life and the need for love.

  3. Conservez-vous toujours vos cheveux soyeux aux reflets dorés pour moi aujourd'hui?
    Je mourrais si je ne le faisais pas pour moi, mais pour quelqu'un d'autre, peut-être plus jeune et
    Je ne pleurerais jamais ta foi violée et les vents contraires.
    Oh, votre élégance simple et votre éclat sont les seuls qui m'attendent! Pour toujours!
    Je ne pourrais pas m'en passer, même si je le voulais. Oui, je ne le nie pas
    Je ne pouvais tout simplement pas, même si je décidais avec ma tête.

    1. nuncepenza6


      devi tradurlo per noi non parlanti francese ahah

    2. lullabyblue0


      vorrei tanto saper parlare francese :( 

    3. ciribi72


      bellissima condivisione!!!

  4. Dawn comes and I wake up with a bitter taste in my mouth.
    I had a dream
    we were together in a desert island,
    to finally enjoy a vacation;
    you were no longer reluctant and hesitant,
    you abandoned yourself in my arms
    and you enjoyed so many of my tender caresses
    and my endless kisses.
    Then the sudden awakening
    and the sense of emptiness.

    1. chiaraoscura4


      poetico come il sole, come sempre!

    2. beautifullmind0


      Mi sembra famigliare questa...mi ricordi da dove spunta?

    3. ciribi72


      Sono veramente curiosa di sapere dove hai scoperto tutte queste operette..le trovo molto interessanti!

  5. Don't whisper the aura,
    keep away the branches of the oaks,
    do not worry the bushes,
    cease to sing the rio rio
    and the shrill flounder.
    Here, my beautiful nymph appears
    and it opens my pink lips.
    "I'm here for you" - she says -
    "Don't worry, I'll stay as long as you want
    and I will never go back,
    for your happiness".
    Oh, how changed
    my sweet tyrant!

    1. chiaraoscura4


      togli sempre le parole dal mio cuore, grazie!

  6. If you ask me why
    I fell in love with you,
    I don't really know what to answer.
    Of course, it was not the result of alchemy,
    but only magic.
    See you and love you at first sight
    it was a whole.
    I saw other beautiful women,
    but the right spring was not released.
    With you it was different,
    it was, indeed, a magical moment,
    a moment that I never forgot
    and hypnotized me forever.

    1. theoldandthesea


      come sempre parole stupende


  7. Isn't the dream a reality too?
    It is not also life lived
    just dreaming about it with your eyes open?
    Imagining is like meeting you.
    It is reality to dream of having you next,
    hug you,
    kiss you,
    talk to you:
    believe me.

    1. tacchialti94


      bellissimi i sogni, ti consiglio una bellissima opera di Hilary Duff intitolata What Dreams Are Made Off :)

  8. Larks and goldfinches sing,
    cooing tortorellas; the elms
    and the poplars slightly shake their branches.
    It's a charm, can't you see, dear?
    See how the ivy is nearby
    he clings to the pine and asks
    love and embrace!
    Oh, how the fire is about to flow
    in my veins! Let me kiss,
    first, your feet, ivory jewels!
    You grant it and I raise my eyes to your face ...
    I see your newly opened lips, of ruby,
    I paste mine and breathe your soul!
    Oh, isn't this heaven?
    Let's plant our tent here and enjoy
    what Heaven gives us,
    the only nectar of life.

    1. chiaraoscura4


      questa mi sembra familiare...non è che è di Woolf?

  9. Oh, how I would like to live next to my sweet tyrant,
    enjoy the flash of his eyes and hear the melodious sound
    of his sayings! Often I gaze at her beautiful face, and feel me
    like in heaven. But it upsets my every hope to know that it is far away
    my good and such will remain who knows until when. How long can I still tolerate his absence? Not aiming at his beloved and dear face?
    Hear the harmony of his voice?

    1. fashionista0


      grazie per le belle parole, le salvo per i momenti duri

  10. Oh, I wouldn't want the dawn to clear in fog
    this is my welcome dream!
    You were still confident in life and love,
    in the scents of spring, in the clear sky
    and drunk with summer sunshine.
    You were there waiting to crown your dream
    and to live a full life. I was there too
    and reasoned with projects for the future
    and I watched every movement of your lip, every glow
    of your eyes, every sudden blush

    1. daliahnera


      poesia pura e geniale..da leggerezza

    2. fashionista0


      ma quante lingue parli?? non ricordavo parlassi cosi bene anche l'inglese!! wowww

  11. On a seated bench, I am aiming at the moon, night sol,
    the print of your face and I look for, among the stars, two most beautiful
    such as your vague and flashing eyes. To those, who are your imago,
    I send you the thousand and one kisses I would like to give to you
    in your real beauty.

    1. nuncepenza6


      wow...dove l'hai trovata questa frase?

  12. Our path cannot go
    that towards infinite time.
    The case or, what is more likely,
    fate has united us,
    we were two halves
    and now we are joined together for eternity.
    Immortal souls and resurrected bodies,
    lovers here on earth,
    they can only "dantescamente"
    remain united even in the afterlife
    and reflect the love of the Trinity.

    1. binue22


      per favore, possiamo parlare contattarmi a (binuedaniel20@yahoo.com) è molto importante

    2. chiaraoscura4
  13. Si j'étais un peintre expert, je mélangerais le violet avec le rose,
    et des lys, pour représenter votre visage; Je dessinerais tes lèvres tumultueuses
    comme deux couronnes de rubis, et vos grands yeux comme deux étoiles de diamant.
    Telle est la grâce de ton visage!
    Mais comme dernière touche j'ajouterais l'atmosphère d'une femme amoureuse.
    J'aimerais ça!

  14. The moon shone
    around your milky breast;
    a beautiful necklace of dazzling pearls
    encircled your tender collapse;
    a twisted white gold bracelet
    adorned your thin wrist;
    a shining robe,
    similar to peplos of the Achaean virgin,
    you wore, more radiant than flame.
    You were a goddess,
    you were Aphrodite in person,
    when the Càriti and the Hours
    they cover it with peplos smelling of flowers
    of all seasons,
    crocus and hyacinth,
    purple and pink,
    narcissus and lily.

    1. beautifullmind0


      wow! sempre meglio!

    2. ciribi72


      sei sempre cosi completo emotivamente parlando

    3. tacchialti94


      incolli cuori tu <3

  15. When the dream
    It tends to wear out,
    Even hope
    It gets dim.
    Yet the mind
    And the heart holds
    The image is expensive
    Of the loved one.

  16. When you smile, I see pearls grafted onto your two rubies
    and striking eyes shine over your beautiful eyes.
    I envy Zephyr who ruffles your shiny hair and touches the necklines
    of your white breasts, which I dream of as a port of call
    of my tormenting passion and my ardent sighs.
    But you laugh at me, when you read my torments on my forehead
    and my warm love. Then I turn to Heaven to implore
    pity to my martyrs.