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And then it happens paradoxical, it would seem, the thing. Tolerance to the experience of the feeling of shame grows. Shame becomes not sewing and not killing. Die from him no longer necessary www.onlinecasinoitaliani.com. Although nothing pleasant in this feeling is not, there are less reasons for shame. It would be here and begin to exercise psychopathic behavior - the one altruism, and live Social Darwinism! But if the shame was adopted, seen and supported as emotion, then the connection with other people ceases to break at the time of the experiencing shame. On the contrary, shame, divided with other people, is able to unite. If you no longer need to be over-person, you can simply be a man who makes mistakes, experiencing shame and regulates its actions not to avoid shame or shame others, and so that other people (which are also not "super-") It was not too painfully hurt. After all, when "their" is imperfect, they are not perceived by arbitrators or references, so social alarm becomes less. And the desire to please "your" and interest and curiosity to the "still no-one" - more. Shame becomes power unifying. And this integrating function shame, it seems to me, is also important for understanding who people are and what we want to be.