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Mi piace un sacco

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  1. I'm a larva wrapped in silk

    i am dying in burning flesh

    let me out, let me ache

    let me out, let me ache and itch

    get me out of this suit

    i go to a funeral every day

    i follow these people around

    i follow these people like a rat's tail

    i carry their caskets, i sing them good night

    they're better off without me

    Beauty is poisonous


    heaven must be an iron rose

    oh, let me in, let me out,

    let me in, let me out!

    This is a retirement

    from plumbing the veins of rats and kings

    let the stars be my eyes then

    unchain the knuckles and latches

    unbutton my wrists

    My skin so thin you can see black holes within

    my eyes so clear they light up the sky

    and sometimes i'll bend into the silicone veil

    and enter this world again as a ghost

    Beauty is poisonous


    heaven must be an iron rose

    oh, let me in, let me out,

    let me in, let me out!

    Let me out

    Let me out

    Let me out

    Let me out

    Let me out

    Let me out

    Let me out

    Let me out

    Let me out

    Let me out