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  1. A Few Healthy Vegan Meat Alternatives To Add To Your Grocery List
    The standard grocery list that most people prepare every week for shopping does not always contain the right amount of healthy dietaries. Nowadays, millions of people are worried about their habits of bad eating and their impact on future health. Thus, they are making a shift to the vegetarian or vegan diet by eliminating meat and dairy products. However, many people do not realize that there is a variety of plant based food products available to replace meat and dairy and these alternatives are high in protein and other nutrients that a healthy body requires. By adding these to your grocery list you can enjoy your favorite food like burgers, bacon, and cheese.
  2. Language and Communication in the Workplace

    As far as the language bring people closer to each other, it can also separate people and obstacles their communication while they are not aware of that.

    What is a language and what are its functions?

    Find the answer here:


  3. 6 Ways To Boost Employee Morale

    Positive employee morale leads to an increase in #productivity and efficiency in the workplace. When employees genuinely enjoy the work culture, they are pushed to work more efficiently and productively and give the company a competitive edge.

    To improve your organization culture, visit The Human Element @ https://thehumanelement.bconglobal.com/

  4. Explaining Change

    With every distracting event, let it be the introduction of new technology or an outbreak that forces all employees to work from home, as proposed by Kubler-Ross in her book “Death and Dying” employees will go through similar stages like those described on the curve below. The curve is known as the Kubler-Ross Change curve or also known as the 5 stages of grief. The curve reflects the stages individuals go through when any change event occurs. The 5 stages included in the model are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Continue Reading...

  5. Improve Organizational Communications & Culture Using LIFO's Organizational Culture Survey

    Life Orientations Organizational Culture Survey results reflect preferred organizational styles and strengths during favorable conditions (when things are going well) and during unfavorable conditions (when experiencing distress or conflict). The Organizational Culture Survey is unique within the LIFO Survey series because the results reflect organizational preferences, not individual preferences. Contact us now to find more about Life Orientations Organizational Culture Survey.

  6. Introduction to Openness

    Openness is a personality trait/dimension that is covered in more than one of the personality theories. In organizations, lack of openness leads to enormous inefficiency and reduced productivity. Based on the experience of Dr. Will Schutz, 80% of work problems are not real problems at all. They are simply the results of not being open- of distorting or withholding.* We will tackle it through both Firo Element B (Will Schutz- 1958) and the Big Five factors (Costa and McCrae- 1987) and recognize its nature in both theories.

    Read More @ https://thehumanelement.bconglobal.com/resources/introduction-to-opennness-1

  7. Leader's role in enhancing self-awareness in a team

    Leaders are a resource for teams, not the other way around. Leaders are the ones who need to be equipped to grow, support and develop their teams. With self-awareness, you’ll see better how you, personally and uniquely, can best serve your teams. You’ll be able to identify which team members are set to excel in their roles, and which ones could use development. And, you’ll be able to notice your own personal growth opportunities, for becoming even more self-sufficient and helpful as a leader.

    To improve your leadership skills, take our Leadership Essential Package and our Leadership 360° Solutions. To know more, visit - https://lifo.bconglobal.com/

  8. Maximize Potential of Your People at Workplace

    The Human Element is a holistic approach for improving the way people work together in an organization, leading to better teamwork and faster problem solving to achieve organizational goals. The objective of The Human Element is to improve individual and group productivity and achieve better business results.

  9. Maximize Your Potential at Work By Utilizing The Human Element Approach

    The Human Element is an integrated approach that helps organizations to enhance their culture so that people can work together with a higher level of trust to achieve exceptional productivity. The human element focuses on individuals and teams to express their best and bringing out maximum potential. To maximize your potential at work, consult The Human Element.

  10. Openness in FIRO Element B

    Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO) is a theory of interpersonal relations, introduced by William Schutz in 1958. This theory mainly explains the interpersonal interactions of a local group of people. The theory is based on the belief that when people get together in a group, there are three main interpersonal needs they are looking to obtain – affection/openness, control and inclusion. Schutz developed a measuring instrument that contains twelve scales of nine-item questions, and this became version B (for "Behavior"). Continue Reading...


  11. Openness In Five-Factor Model

    The five-factor model of personality is a trait-based taxonomy of personality dimensions based on the lexical hypothesis: the belief that over time natural language accrues terms that have adaptive significance. It is one of the most widely used personality tests in the workplace.


  12. Secret Ingredient (to Deal with VUCA)

    The VUCA nature of the business world makes it difficult for companies to compete and survive for long. Strategic plans that plan 5 and 10 years ahead are no longer an essential component of business growth. Strategic plans are too static for the dynamic nature of the business today.


  13. The Dynamic World of Business Today

    Many disruptive events are taking place today more than ever before. People in the business world need to deal with frequent changes in internal and external factors. Whether it is a new set of technology, more exposure to the digital world, the opening of new markets, or the rise of a contagious health epidemic, there is no description of the current situation better than “uncertainty”. Therefore, businesses need to consider and recruit employees who are not only technically skilled but those who can easily adapt and develop in today’s VUCA world.

    Read More https://lifo.bconglobal.com/resources/the-dynamic-world-of-business-today-1

  14. The Origin of Stress

    Stress can be defined as how our body reacts to pressure. Pressure can happen from a variety of external situations. We feel stressed when we experience new things that we are not used to, or when we feel that our physical or psychological well-being is being threatened.


  15. What is World Creativity and Innovation Day, and Why?

    International days are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity.


  16. What Motivates Employees?

    Employee motivation is the most crucial factor in an organization. Employees work more efficiently and effectively when they feel motivated. It is important to appreciate and motivate employees in the workplace.  And that itself does not come naturally, leaders and managers need to work on that to make the workplace safe for everyone in the company. That gives birth to high productivity.


  17. [BLOG] 5 Delicious Plant Based Breakfast Recipes to Kick Start Your Day

    Consuming plant based food diet while eliminating sugary and meaty food helps you stay active and refreshed all day long. Moreover, plant based protein rich food provides a plethora of health benefits to your body like a high level of energy, lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, balanced blood sugar level, maintaining body weight, and more.

    Read Morehttps://cis-kimhill.medium.com/5-delicious-plant-based-breakfast-recipes-to-kick-start-your-day-db3c241c9bb0

  18. Psychological Safety: What’s in it for Employees?

    Once you are confident that you have established relationships, even with the people to whom you may not warm personally, next, you can use the psychologically safe spaces to do and to be a number of things:


  19. Three Fundamental Qualities of Employee Engagement

    Employee engagement became one of the major buzzwords in recent years, especially during the Covid and post-covid world.

    The tough times we are all surrounded with requires leaders and organizations to put extra effort to create happiness at work, and increase employee morale.

    Find out the 10 actions that every manager should take to ace the three qualities of employee engagement:


  20. [Blog] Resist Your Temptation for Meat with Plant-Based Food

    We are all striving to lead healthier lifestyles. But it’s not always easy to separate yourself from daily meat-eating habits and undertaking healthy plant-based food habits. However, we must understand and change the way to look at and think about food and become vegan. Because veganism is a natural and holistic journey that leads to a healthy lifestyle and longer living.

    To know how to eliminate meat in your life and become vegan, read the complete blog at https://bit.ly/3ixG3Nl

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  21. Strategies to Encourage Children to Opt for a Vegan Diet
    Planning a plant based food diet for children is a huge challenge. Even the best parents could get frustrated and dishearten when your child won touch even touch vegan meal that you prepare by spending hours and would be easily get attracted to the idea of eating junk food or prefer a less healthy food option. No matter how tedious it will be but parents should teach their children the habit of healthy eating, they should teach their kids to eat veggies without dealing with remorse.

    Continue Reading...

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  22. Plant Based Goujons with Breadcrumbs - Best Vegan Meat

    THIS is one of the most renowned plant based food companies that is located in the heart of the United Kingdom i.e. London. THIS provides a wide range of plant based food products for everyone in London like fake bacon, dark soy and garlic pieces, Plant Based Goujons with Breadcrumbs, etc. Please visit to know more.

  23. Buy Complete Set of Vitalize Hair Treatment Products at Thin Edges

    Buy a Complete Set of Vitalize Hair Treatment for thin edges at thinedges.com. Fight your hair loss with the Vitalize hair growth system.

  24. Buy Hair, Skin & Nail Vitamin Supplement Tablets at Thin Edges

    Buy Hair, Skin & Nail Vitamin Tablets for beautiful skin, hair, and nails at thinedges.com. Get beautiful long hair with the Vitalize hair growth vitamins supplement pills.

  25. Choose LIFO Survey to Promote Individual & Group Productivity in Your Organization

    The LIFO Survey is a self-reporting assessment tool that identifies the preferences of each person and allows them to operate more effectively in various optimal and adverse situations. Together with LIFO, organizations can promote individual and group productivity by providing powerful strategies for increasing efficiency. Visit LIFO to know more.